Procedure Time
30 to 60 Minutes
Sessions Needed
1 to 3
Results Duration
Procedure Time
30 to 60 Minutes
Sessions Needed
1 to 3
Results Duration
Define Your Jawline
Discover a more youthful profile with targeted fat dissolvers like Kybella in San Angelo. The Waterford Wellness Spa is here to help you with:
Reducing double chin
Contouring the jawline

Experience the Beauty of Custom Care
Discover personalized recommendations based on your areas of interest.

Voices of Confidence and Beauty
Kathy H.
Wrennah G.
Very A.
Very A.
Suzanne S.
Kamber H.
Brooke G.M.
Wrennah G.
Ashton S.
Ashton S.
Debra R.
Care Instructions
Find out what to do before and after your appointment.

Step Into Your Confidence
It’s time to embrace your beauty. We can’t wait to help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The number of treatments needed can differ significantly from person to person, depending on their specific goals and the amount of submental fat they want to reduce. For some individuals, particularly those with less fullness, just 1 session may be sufficient to achieve their desired results. Others with more pronounced fat deposits may require up to 3 sessions to see optimal outcomes.
We typically space each treatment about 1 month apart to allow the body time to process and eliminate the destroyed fat cells. This spacing not only helps to minimize side effects but also gives your provider a chance to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
Many patients start noticing improvements from Kybella within 4 to 6 weeks following their treatment. This initial time frame is when the body begins to metabolize and eliminate the destroyed fat cells, leading to a gradual reduction in the appearance of submental fullness. The changes may be subtle at first, but as the weeks progress, patients often find their jawline becoming more defined and their overall profile looking slimmer.
Optimal results, however, are typically visible around 12 weeks after treatment. By this time, the full effects of Kybella will have developed, as the body has had ample opportunity to process the fat cells and continue producing collagen in the area.
Once you achieve your desired results with Kybella, the effects are generally considered permanent. This is because Kybella works by effectively destroying fat cells in the treated area, specifically under the chin. When these fat cells are eliminated, they do not regenerate, meaning they can no longer store fat. As a result, individuals often enjoy a more contoured jawline and a reduction in the appearance of a double chin over the long term.
While the fat cells in the treated area are permanently destroyed, it’s important to note that new fat can accumulate. This is especially true if lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, are not maintained even after getting Kybella in San Angelo. Factors like weight gain or hormonal changes can still affect your overall body fat distribution.
During your Kybella consultation, we start by reviewing your medical history, including any previous treatments, allergies, and existing health conditions, to determine if Kybella is the right fit for you.
Our skilled provider will assess the amount of submental fat under your chin and discuss your aesthetic goals to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. We will outline the recommended number of sessions for optimal results and explain how Kybella works, what to expect during the procedure, and potential side effects.
Additionally, we’ll provide detailed post-treatment care instructions, including what to expect in terms of swelling or bruising after you get Kybella in San Angelo.